Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink Pointer

Tuesday 31 January 2017

3 Days and 2 Nights without my parents ?!

Sssup Guys ?

U read the tittle above rite?

Wanna know what happened?

Well, it all started like this.

The day was normal since nothing exciting happened that day. It was the 29th of January 2017. What I know my cousin, Kak Syukriah and My aunt, Maklong (my father's sis) stayed with us the day before. It was great to have them as our guest. We went to a feast at baling and also to MADA together with them.

That's not the point here... that morning, my cousin said she will go to Penang with her friends and will stay there for a couple of days. I was like okay just go wherever u want. she just bought a new car and it was the latest Proton Persona model and she is still improving her driving.

then that evening, my mother suddenly told me that she will go to KL along with my father, aunt, and my two lil' sis. I was like okay. They will not be gone for too long rite? I considered it was only a one night stay. But boi i was wrong >< they want to visit my cousin who is suffering from a serious diabetes disease rn. She was still young, so it's a bit worrying how she got that illness so early.

I still don't know about their stay for three days there. then my mother suddenly was advising me non-stop like she would be gone for days... that's when something clicked in my head. Gosh, it's KL Wan, it supposed to be more than one day.

So yeah,

I was left at home with Nabil and Aisyah. And I am the only person who can cook there. let just say that I enjoy cooking for them :)

And.. This evening my mother will be home. Yeaaaaahhh ~~

I miss them. The house seems gloomy without their presence.

That's all. Bye.