Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink Pointer

Monday 1 February 2016

Alone time at home _.._

Dear blog,

let me tell you this,

I've always thought that if i was at home alone, life would be awesome. but well, my thoughts are different now. life is indeed  boring as hell if i was home alone. 

it is surely nice to have the house for myself.. but the silence.. it really kills me. i really can't stand the silence. so, to avoid the boredom from killing me right there, i would always fall asleep and well.. it's already tiring me out. i'm tired of sleeping. i really dun want to sleep anymore... but the silence always make me feels sleepy all of a sudden so i just need to fall asleep --" ya get it right?

anyway, i'd just called sarah heyo hours ago, and i'm glad that the teachers were busy with their work. so, it means that i didn't miss lots of studying yet. and the hw were not that much too. i'm fellin' so grateful rn.

Sarah said that she will stay at Gamayan >< yayyyy~ i'm so happy.. i just hope Tun was thinking the same thing. i dun want her to move out from the school TT^TT pliss stay Tun... Pretty pleaseee..?

okay, that's all i guess. maybe i would start schooling this Wednesday? cuz the MC expiry date is tomorrow. hope this illness i got would fade soon. it's getting itchier days by days. i'm tired of enduring it.

pray for my healthiness <3

Adeu ><