Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink Pointer

Tuesday 2 February 2016

I've done something wrong -w- ottokae?

Dear blog,

yep, i was alone again this morning in this freakin' house. everything was just normal.. i was playing internet games on mother's laptop while eating some yummy ice-creams. the game i was playing was the "club penguin". i'm totally in love with da game >< 

anyway, like i said, everything i did was just normal. so, when i've done eating the ice-creams, i walked to the kitchen to, well.. to washed the cup of course. Then, something horrible happened. On my way to the sink, the cup slipped from my hand, and well,the cup was not a plastic one, so it shattered into pieces as it hit the floor hard.

my expression at that moment was like... i'm totally DOOMED _,_

i picked up one of the big pieces of the shattered glass.. and then i felt like something had stung my thumb. i try to ignore it at quickly took the broom and swept the big glass pieces away. i was afraid that my mother would know, so i wrapped them up in an old newspaper and throw it in the dustbin. 

Something had stung my thumb right? and guess what? it just a tiny piece of glass, it's tiny here ok? not small, it's super duper tiny... but it hurts like hell. i'd try to squeeze the thing out, and eventually, it works >< i was so glad.

then, something popped in my mind.. what if the tiny pieces was still there on the floor? i dun want any of my family to get hurt bcuz of meee.. that's awful. so, for the first time in history, i mopped the floor neatly cuz i dun want the pieces to be there... and alhamdulillah.. no one is hurting YET.

i'm still afraid though. 

let's all pray that everything would be okay ><
