Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink Pointer

Saturday 16 January 2016

Almost burnt the house _,_

yo blog,

guess what? 

16 January 2016 in history, is the day where i boiled some eggs and almost burnt the house.. goshh, thanks god my mother was home in time.. otherwise, something bad might happen to the kitchen.

The story starts like this, 

My mother and my 3 other youngsters were out to check on my mother's client house. I was at home, alone with Aisyah, my younger sister, stalking some picture editing online in the internet in order for us to make a fabulous cover photo. 

And out of nowhere, my tablet suddenly starts ringing. I answer it, and it was just my mom. She asked me to clean the living room a bit as my father was on his way home, and she also asked me to boiled the eggs. So i went out of my room, and start doing what my mother told me to.

I picked 6 eggs, cleaned it for a bit, choose a pot, put some water into it, and then started boiling. i put the stove on maximum level and went to the living room to watch the tv.

Hours past, and

I don't really remember what many hours later, but i know it was already maghrib, my mother came home. I went into my room. The door can be heard was opened by my brother... and shortly after that, my mother shouted out my name.

I hurriedly ran to my mother, which is the kitchen and strong burning smell greeted my nose. euwwwww~ it smells totally gross. my mother then asked me "what have you done? "

I looked at the pot and were shocked to see that the water had already dried, and the base of the pot, was already black.... my mind whispered to me.. I'M DOOMED _,_

then my mother nag to me non-stop, then i said sorry...

and pufff~ everything was back to normal. i'm glad that my mother doesn't hate me that long ><

love you mum <3

and then my father came home from Langkawi, he brought along lots of chocolates with him :p

and they were extremely delicious. Yay for daddy ~

That's all i think. I wanted to make this as a lesson in the future. Don't ever cooked something and leave the cooking afterwards.... you may burnt the house.

Saranghae blog <3
Wan Nightmare