Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink Pointer

Friday 30 June 2017

Trial Is Near !

Yo guys !

SSup ?!

Yea just read the title. I'm going to rant about it non-stop rn.

So Trial... SPM Trial.

It's freaking important hoe T^T

I'm just super scared rn. I need to struggle hard in order to pass it with flying colours. and the teeny tiny problem is... i hve too much flaws to improve myself. 

Yepp, i'm going to try my hardest. I promised you that. And I only got like a month to struggle for it. Hope i can cope up with everything fast enough to score A and not hve any fail.


Cuz literally , I keep losing my focus to study.. and I also sleep during lessons TT^TT

That is super rude and I also keep being at the bottom of the class.


Let's just wish for the best ey ?